About Us

We are Licensed Professional Counselor-Interns supervised by Dr Christopher Taylor, LPC-S, as well as professional life and marriage coaches. We are Gottman Institute level one trained as marriage and relationship coaches, and trained as sexual addiction and pornography coaches through Mark Laaser and the American Association of Christian Counselors, Prepare Enrich and Marriage Strong facilitators. See our profiles on the Psychology Today Website. 

Alfred and Johanna Horstman spent the majority of their lives believing they were saved.  Johanna had been raised in the Catholic church, while Alfred was brought up forbidden to attend church.  Each had come to the conclusion that the way to God is through self-righteousness – the idea that we must work our way to God.  “Being good” and “doing their best” had accomplished a divorce for both of them.  It was not until their own marriage was disintegrating that, by God’s grace, they came to understand the truth of the Gospel.  Finally saved in their early-to-middle forties, God transformed their lives and their marriage. In 2005, just a few years after receiving salvation, the Lord used an auto accident to focus Alfred’s and Johanna’s desires to serve the Kingdom.  Learning that Alfred would no longer be physically able to work as a professional golfer or remodeler, the pair attended college to receive undergraduate degrees as they began to seek God’s will for a specific career.  Through lay ministry experiences with couples and singles, they recognized that the Lord was using their broken pasts to aid in bringing His healing and offering His hope to others; this was confirmed by those in authority over Johanna and Alfred.  They intently studied the Bible and yielded their efforts to the Holy Spirit.  In 2012, after selling everything and moving to Dallas, they began attending Dallas Theological Seminary, both of them working toward graduate degrees in Christian counseling and Christian education. Since then, God has further focused their ministry vision  with an emphasis on godly relationships for singles and married couples, they coach and teach those desiring to create holy homes. They began formally coaching couples and singles in 2005 and have made coaching that will lead to counseling as their lifework.

We belong to the following professional organizations:

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Level One Gottman Trained in Couples Therapy